I’ve been spending a lot of time recently working on my wedding album.. I was starting to feel like it’s been a bit of a ridiculous amount of time since the wedding, with no sign of photos anywhere – or at least no photos in any album that I can show to anyone.
Anyways, I finally got all the pictures stuck down onto pages. Considering I had a thousand or two photos to work with, I had to be pretty ruthless in my selection process. Nevertheless, I still used a giant stack of them. Therefore, there was no way I was going to do fancy one-photo-per-page type layouts. Don’t get me wrong, I often think those kinds of layouts are beautiful, especially with all the little details that tie everything together, but it’s just not how I do things. My main goal was to have lots of good photos in a reasonably nice looking album that I’d be happy to show people. In some cases that meant “trim the edges and slap as many photos on there as possible!”
Here’s some pages that aren’t quite finished…
I like to use a pizza box (it’s the perfect size!) to hold all my pages that are in progress, as I sort of do things in stages. First is to stick the photos on, next is adding titles, then writing little captions and such, and finally any embellishments (though this step doesn’t happen too often for me.. usually impatience gets the best of me). See the borders around some of those photos? That’s getting really fancy.
Aaaand now for the finished product…
See that middle one? It’s uncharacteristically well planned and intricate.. and there are only 2 photos on the whole page! Well, that’s because I made the layout in a class a few months ago. I had no choice, we had to make that exact page (and no, I’m not complaining! It adds a bit of beauty and class to my album). Aren’t I a fancy-pants?