Paper flowers

I was perusing a friend’s blog and was instantly inspired! She very helpfully posts about things she covets, and today’s went straight to my heart.  It was all about how to make paper flowers using old books.  Check it out (including a tutorial) here at the blog of the lovely and talented Dawn McVey.  Here’s her version on a card:


I’ve been meaning to buy some old old books for various other projects, so seeing this book-page flower got my creative energy stirring in all kinds of crazy ways.  I took a walk downtown to seek out all the used book stores.  It was sadly very difficult to find a reasonably priced book that looked old enough for my needs.  Yah don’t need a super-aged one for these flowers, so I grabbed a book of fairy tale type stories along with another book I’d seen that looked a bit more yellow (for future projects).

Next, I rushed home to put Dawn’s tutorial into practice.  I grabbed my two biggest flower punches and punched away to my heart’s content.  Next step? Make some cards for these lovely little things.

Here’s one without the button.  Still cute, and appropriate for the flower size.  Things I now have on my crafty shopping list: Buttons! All sorts of buttons! button twine (my hemp was too thick to happily work with), a larger flower punch, antique copper brads (I’d been eyeing those up for months now anyhow).

About Shauna

I fell in love with the art of rubber stamping when I was 12 years old. I blame my grandparents. I already had every crafty hobby imaginable when they bought me a few stamps, an ink pad, and some embossing powder. I was hooked. From that point on, no special occasion has gone unmarked by one of my hand-crafted creations. Scrapbooking came next, and though it isn't my first love, it's a close second.
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