Project 52 – Date night

Although Nathan and I are newlyweds, we’ve been together for a long time (7 years!), so we’re working on ways to connect rather than letting time slip by.  This is especially important since he works from home.  We see a lot of one another, but that can make us forget to plan quality time, or go on “dates.”

A friend of ours had a date night once a week, which I had always thought was a good idea.  I like having structure to make things seem more real (or something?  It’s a psychological thing)… Imagine how excited I was when I saw this date night pledge.  Commitment to it each week. Shared responsibility.  Creativity.  What could be better?!  It’s called Project 52 (52 weeks in the year), started by Tiffany at Simply Modern Mom.

Basically, the goal is to have one date per week on a set day (and time), although we all know that life requires some flexibility.  You can’t do the same thing twice in one month, you rotate who plans each date, you try to be creative, you have to create a nice date atmosphere, and you get to have fun!

So here I am, about to embark on this journey, full of anticipation.. I should probably tell him first, and not forge his signature, eh? 

One change I’m making is that we rotate who plans the date every other week rather than every other month.  I’ll plan the first one, and I’ll even give him Valentine’s Day as his first – I think he’s got a plan for a dinner out.


I’ll try to take pictures! For now, here’s a fun wedding shot.

About Shauna

I fell in love with the art of rubber stamping when I was 12 years old. I blame my grandparents. I already had every crafty hobby imaginable when they bought me a few stamps, an ink pad, and some embossing powder. I was hooked. From that point on, no special occasion has gone unmarked by one of my hand-crafted creations. Scrapbooking came next, and though it isn't my first love, it's a close second.
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