Author Archives: Shauna
Whimsical Blue Flowers
Happy birthday.. happy birthday indeed! Is it your birthday? Was it? Well, I’m thinking good birthday thoughts! Most of my thoughts are good today. The school year’s nearly over, which translates to SUMMER HOLIDAYS! Totally not excited, can you tell? … Continue reading
Watercolour Just For You
Hello lovely people! Would you hate me if I told you I’ve already gone for a run today? I did, and I’m holding on to my accomplished feelings. It was so far beyond difficult to convince myself to do anything … Continue reading
A Stay at the Farm
Here I am spending a few days at the parents’ farm while they’re away. Everything is oozing nostalgia. It’s really a wonderful place, full of a 1000-tree apple orchard plus cherry trees, blueberry bushes, strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes galore. How … Continue reading
Bright and Cheerful
Today’s the day for the Stanley Cup Final. I’m really hoping our boys can bring the cup home! And that’ll be it for hockey until I’m back playing in September! All this watching and no playing is really making me … Continue reading
Wee something
This little piggy went to marketThis little piggy stayed homeThis little piggy had roast beefThis little piggy had noneAnd this little piggy went wee wee wee wee all the way home! Ok those aren’t piggies, but I was totes just … Continue reading
Simple Summer Brights
Today I didn’t have to work until noon but I pried myself out of bed pretty early (considering). That brought on an almost instant need for a nap.. Now I don’t know about you, but when I have a nap, … Continue reading
A Perfect Birthday
Parts of my birthday were pretty perfect. Like this raspberry macaron. Not the part where I should re-learn how to walk, since clearly I’m failing at that. Not the part where I splatted onto the middle of the street with … Continue reading
Vintage Flower Cards
Déjà vu? Perhaps… or maybe you’re just losing your mind. I seriously think I am. I forgot something at my cooking class EVERY SINGLE TIME! That’s memory-fail, if you ask me. One night I even managed to leave my cellphone … Continue reading
You Made What?
I got together recently with Anya of Bliss3 to make some pretty strange recipes. None of the things we made have ever been on my food radar, but I’m so excited to use all of them – hopefully not all … Continue reading
Fabric Ribbon Card
Oh middle schools.. how I dislike teaching at them. Today I had the joy of being one-on-one with some sick and smelly students over and over. Ya think they’d know to cough the other way? Nope. I’m feeling so full … Continue reading
Stuff! It’s Happening!
Hi all you pretty people, I’m making some changes to my blog.. how it looks and all that good stuff. I decided it was time for a bit of a blog renovation, so to speak. All this crazy colour is … Continue reading
Fol Epi
Fol Epi.. Doesn’t that sound like a name of a god? A bakery of the gods? Why yes, yes it is. Or at least their baked goods taste heavenly. I should really start out by putting some blame somewhere. Blame … Continue reading
Simple Silhouettes
Do you go to your highschool reunions? I had my 10-year last night, and I can’t say it was what I’d imagined. It probably didn’t help matters that my head felt explodey. I was walking around not enjoying talking to … Continue reading
Strawberry Deliciousness Drink
Today I was minding my own business, quickly using the restroom in the grocery store (sometimes we have those moments.. I’m sure you do too). Now, the door automatically changes to “occupied” in nice red letters (as opposed to the … Continue reading
Clean and Simple Trio
They’re all the same.. but no.. they’re different.. what what?! Ok, so I know this is nothing new to any of you. I used the same layout for all three cards, but different colours and images. Fun, right? I love … Continue reading