Author Archives: Shauna
Masculine Cards Class
Hello, hello! It’s one of those days for me where my To Do List seems so long that I’d rather just ignore it and watch old episodes of Glee all day. That wouldn’t be very practical, now would it? And … Continue reading
Itty Bitty Baby Booties
Hi there, Meet the itty bitty baby booties.. aka the most frustrating thing I’ve ever sewn! These took me many many hours (I don’t sew much!), accompanied by much cursing and seam-ripping, and accepting some of the mistakes as part … Continue reading
October Class Calendar
In case you missed it, I’ve posted my schedule for October classes here. And hey, why not host a free workshop? I can come up with a fun Christmas theme for you and your friends (or some other theme if … Continue reading
Glimmery Christmas Stocking
Guys! Guess what! I’m not sick anymore! Well, mostly not. I’d almost forgotten that “healthy” existed, yet here it is, and it’s amazing! I don’t feel like passing out on the kitchen floor, and my chest doesn’t feel like there’s … Continue reading
Simple Christmas Snowflakes
Hello, and happy Monday! I have a final card from my Simple Embossed Christmas Cards class to share with you today. This card came directly from Maile Belles. She’s such a talented lady! I used the Bright Hopes set for … Continue reading
Snowy Ornaments Card
I’ve been cooking crazy things! Nathan can’t understand why I’d ever cook unusual things that are way more normal to just buy. Like yogurt, or chicken stock or those amazing Raincoast Crisps. Well, husband dear, homemade bread is a heck … Continue reading
Simple as can be Christmas Tree
Oooops, I rhymed. How tacky. Or fun.. Do you think it’s fun? I’m pretty sure that’d earn Nathan a major eye roll from me if he’d been the one to come up with the title. I like me some good … Continue reading
Christmas in September
Brunch with lady friends, a raucously fun birthday party, baking awfully yummy and bad-for-you treats, a great stamp class, and some quiet time.. That definitely fits the bill of a great weekend! So of course I’m now fighting off a … Continue reading
Pack of Gift Card Holders
Wouldn’t it be nice if these little gift card holders actually all contained loaded gift cards? I think so. Really well loaded ones.. to all my favourite places. Sounds good to me! Alas, no gift cards here, but I’m all … Continue reading
Wish Big Marquise
Hello, hello! I have another marquise/banner card here for you. If it were meant for a special someone, you could always put the age in the middle of one of the marquises, instead of a flower. I’ve used Island Indigo … Continue reading
Wish Big Ice Cream Cone
You thought 3 scoops was plenty.. but why not 4? or even 5?! I could go for 5 scoops of all different ice creams right now.. or a DQ Blizzard. I’m pretty sure there’s a law somewhere that says we … Continue reading
Clean and Simple Thank You, and some news!
It’s back to school time around these parts (and theoretically, back to work for me). There usually isn’t a lot of on-call work at the beginning of the school year though, so I got to make some cards. I even … Continue reading
My Favourite Hummus
Hummus is like gold in our house, especially the stuff that I make. Nathan’s seriously addicted to it and will pack down a cup of it a day, along with copious amounts of pita, and some baby carrots for good … Continue reading
Lollipop Thanks
Oh my goodness, it’s Friday! Of the Labour Day Long Weekend! That means school starts in a few days! *panic attack* It’s ok though.. Since I work on-call, I probably won’t be working a whole lot in September. That’s just … Continue reading
Whimsical Swirly Happy Birthday
5-minute card! Go! You’ll have time for other things, like baking a pie, calling your mom, or painting your nails a matching colour. They call this one “jade jump.” Anyways, back to the card.. super easy! Some cardstock, some designer … Continue reading