3-Part Homemade Breakfast Parfait

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I made things that I never thought I’d make!  Check out this breakfast parfait; I made all of it from scratch!  Okay, I’d made granola before, but wasn’t doing it on a regular basis.. more of a once-in-a-blue-moon basis.  And I’ve definitely made fruit compote before, but not for a use like this!

Aaaand the kicker?  I went back 40 years and made yogurt!  Without a yogurt maker (so easy, you don’t really need one).

I call this my blueberry ginger breakfast parfait.  Today, while I was thinking about the recipes I used, it occurred to me that they’re all from the same blog!  Different writers, but the same blog.  You can find the originals all at Simple Bites!  Of course, I made some modifications, because I can’t help but change things up a bit.

Giant Batch of Customizable Granola

1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup agave syrup, maple syrup, rice syrup, or brown sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup canola oil
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cardamom (leave this out if it’s not your thing)
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper
5 cups rolled oats – not quick oats!
2 1/2 cups total chopped nuts or seeds, like almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pecans, etc.
1/2 cup wheat germ or ground flax (you can easily leave this out)
2 1/2 cups total dried fruit or shredded coconut – be creative – dried apples, cherries, craisins, raisins, apricots, bananas.. I love a bit of candied ginger diced up in the mix.

Preheat oven to 300°F.  Line two large cookie sheets with parchment, or spray them well.

Mix together the honey, agave, water, oil, and spices in a small saucepan. Heat until the sugars have dissolved, stirring occasionally.

Stir the dry ingredients, except for the dried fruit or coconut, which you will add towards the end.  Add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients and stir to combine.  Split between the two sheets.

Bake at 300°F for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 275°F.  Mix up the granola on each sheet to help it bake evenly.  Rotate the pans, then bake at this lowered temperature for another 15 minutes.

Add dried fruit and coconut, mix well, turn off the oven and leave the granola in the oven until it’s completely cool – several hours.

I stored mine in 1L canning jars and got 3 jars’ worth!

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For the fruit layer, follow This recipe from Simple Bites.  I used blueberries with some diced peach.

Homemade Vanilla Yogurt

1 litre milk – the higher percentage, the creamier it will taste.  Skim doesn’t work so well.
1/2 cup dry milk powder
2 Tbsp plain yogurt with active cultures, at room temperature – just set this aside to warm up while you’re heating the milk.
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup sugar, honey, sweetener – it’s your choice

In a medium saucepan, stir together the milk and milk powder. Heat to 180 deg. F, stirring occasionally. This will be not quite simmering. Remove from heat and stir in your sugar/honey and vanilla.

Let the mixture cool to 115 deg. F – or until you can comfortably leave your finger in there for 10 seconds.  See, who needs a thermometer?!  It does help though.

Place the now-room-temperature yogurt in a small bowl. Pour a small amount of the cooled milk into the yogurt and whisk to blend.

Pour this yogurt mixture into the milk and whisk to blend really well. No clumps.

Pour the mixture into a clean, glass jar (or several if they’re small). Screw on the lid. Place the jar on a heating pad set to “low.” Wrap a towel around the jar and cover it with a large, inverted soup pot.  ***note*** this method didn’t work for me, since my heating pad automatically shuts off after 1 hour.

Alternatively: Put the jar(s) into a cooler, along with hot water.  Don’t disturb them.

Incubate for at least 8 hours.  This works really well if you make it in the evening, and let it incubate overnight.

Chill completely before serving.

Source: Adapted from Simple Bites

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Just for Fun Lollipop


Hi there,

Yesterday I made a discovery.  I went home to visit my family, and we ended up making a trek out to a swimming hole somewhere in the middle of the boonies.  A few wrong turns and a 25 minute walk later, and we were at the most amazing man-made lake (an old limestone quarry) I’d ever seen.  How did I miss out on this place my whole life?!?  I’m almost feeling cheated.  The water was a beautiful clear turquoise (thank you, limestone), and such a refreshing temperature without being cold.  It’s definitely a place to remember.

So in keeping with my whole whimsical cards theme (I have a class for that this Sunday), I’ve done a purple lolli card.  It’s pretty darn similar to a card in the current Idea Book and Catalogue, but I changed a few things.

This is my very first sewing attempt on a card!  Aren’t you impressed?  OK, it’s not really that impressive, and I’m a bit sad that I hadn’t tried this before because it’s so easy.  You just choose a thread colour that appeals to you, a stitch that you like, and go for it.  Be aware that the needle dulls more quickly from paper than from fabric use.

I’m really quite a fan of the two different scalloped borders layered together like that.  Must do again. Brain, please remember this.

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Purple Pinwheel

I have a confession to make.  This obsession with pinwheels and marquises/banners just isn’t going away.  It’s good and stuck.  I thought maybe if I shared it around a bit, that’d help, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be dying to use this set of stamps for a while!

This card isn’t my usual (oranges? so not me), but it is simple, and pretty quick to make.  Lots of punches to use, and we all like punches, right? Please tell me I’m not also alone in that obsession.

There’s so little summer left before the dreaded Back to School time around here, so let’s just soak up all the pinwheels and punches that we can!

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Newspaper Nails

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My nails went and had a run-in with a Mandarin newspaper!  Pretty cool, right?  I like to think so.  I’ve seen this idea a few times, and then my friend Anya took the plunge and gave it a try.  It’s so easy!  I couldn’t not try it myself!

At a recent girls’ night, Anya brought over a Mandarin newspaper that she’d grabbed from a Chinese food restaurant. We proceeded to snip out bits of the for sale/rent section and pretty up our nails.

You can have wordy nails too, in a few simple steps:

  1. Paint your nails in a fairly light colour (I usually do 2 coats).  Allow them to really dry.
  2. Pour a little dish of rubbing alcohol (a shot glass works well, but don’t drink it!).  If you don’t have rubbing alcohol, I’ve heard that vodka works too.
  3. Dip a fingernail into the rubbing alcohol, then press on a piece of newspaper.  Press firmly and hold it in place for a few seconds.
  4. Carefully peel off the newspaper, and you should have wordy nails!
  5. Just add a topcoat to seal it in, and you’re good to go.

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Mine are pretty messy. You can do better!

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Happy Day Pinwheels

Hi there, thanks for hanging out with me!  Have I told you how much I love you recently?  Lots. Like ice cream. Like my favourite sorbet.  Like pinwheels and summer breeze and sunshine. 

This card makes me think of endless summers.  I suddenly have a longing to go on a ferris wheel somewhere.  Yep, life’s good.

We’ve got more In Colours here – Wisteria Wonder and Lucky Limeade, along with the new ruffled ribbon and printed brads.  They make me giddy.

Pinwheels are easy!  Cut a 2” square of Designer Series Paper.  Draw a line diagonally across from one corner to the other, then do it again to make an X.  Cut 2/3rds of the way in from each corner.  Now, bend in every second tip that you’ve created, glue in place, and add a brad or a button to make it look super cute.

If you attach them to the card with just the brad, they’ll even spin like real pinwheels!

Have a good one,

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Happiest Wishes

I can vividly remember my hate for lace.  It was a big hate; it was right up there with turnip and mean boys.  Don’t ask me why, as a child’s brain doesn’t make sense.  Maybe it reminded me of old, dirty, used up things.  Antique things. Definitely not new things.  And we all know how much fun it was to get a new toy (or in my case, a shiny new set of watercolor pencil crayons).

But hey, I’ve come to love the stuff (and antiques have their treasured place too).  I’ve got a lacy number for you today!

I’ve used some of the new DSP – Flirtatious Specialty – along with an In Color – Pool Party.

It’s a very simple card, but I got to use some little pearls.  Those always go with lace, right? And the technique for backing the Happiest Wishes tag is kinda neat.  You cut the background one crosswise both ways (so you end up with 4 triangles), then paste it back together so it frames the front piece.  Works like a charm.

Now excuse me while I go clean my lace-free living room.

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Kitchen Sink Crumble

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I took pictures of this dessert as I was eating it.  It was one of those “wow, this is gooood! I just have to share” moments.  Cell phone camera to the rescue!

This crumble is ridiculously easy to make, and I’m pretty sure Nathan will be saying I have to make more to go with his ice cream ;-)

My version had apricots, nectarines, blackberries, raspberries, a few slivers of apple, and blueberries, but you really don’t have to be crazy like me.  Just throw in whatever fruit you have on hand.

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Easy Peasy Fruit Crumble

4-ish cups of fruit in bit sizes (berries, apples, or stone fruit are great)
1 cup flour
1 cup brown sugar, lightly packed
3/4 cup old fashioned oats
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
a dash or so of allspice
1/2 cup cold butter, cut into little pieces

Preheat oven to 375F.  Toss fruit into an 8×8” square pan

In a bowl, combine all of the other ingredients (not the fruit or the butter yet).  Stir them up well, then toss in the butter and crumble it in really well with your hands.

Toss about a cup of the topping with the fruit, then spread the remainder over the fruit and bake until the fruit’s nice and bubbly and the topping’s golden and delicious (about 30 minutes).


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Anniversary Flamingo Marquise

I have a confession to make…

I’m not always on time for things.  I like to think I am. I try to be early even! But when I’m late, I’m often so late that the event’s passed me by. 

OK, that sounds worse than it is.  Except, of course, when it comes to life events like birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc.  I try to get those cards to people a week ahead of time.  Sometimes it doesn’t happen.  Example? I totally missed our 2nd wedding anniversary!

Brain freeze? Slightly.  Don’t get me wrong, I definitely knew it was happening.  I was on vacation in the middle of nowhere, but Nathan joined me part way through to spend our anniversary together.  He gave me a cute little card and a gift card for the spa! Thoughtful, right?  Was I as thoughtful?  Nope. I was in full vacation mode.  No card, no gift.  Oops!

Here’s me making up for it.  See, I can do nice things!

I’ve been itching to make a marquise card for months now.  Banners = fun.  Banners with tiny scalloped edges = super fun and crazy cute.  And flamingos? yep.

I’ve used all kinds of things from the new 2011-2012 Idea Book and Catalogue.  The new In Colors – cardstock, ink, brads; the amazing Pennant Parade set, along with the Petite Pennants Builder punch.

Happy very belated anniversary, honey!

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Browned Butter Huckleberry Muffins

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Did you get any vacation time this summer? Or at least a weekend to relax a little bit?  I had 2 blissful weeks on the Sunshine Coast where I did next to nothing.  Can I please go back to that?  I’m pretty sure that’s what I was cut out for.

These muffins.. oh my goodness.  They’ll make you feel like you’re on vacation, or like life’s problems are all solved. They’re just that good… and hey, if you don’t have an abundance of huckleberries, you can use blueberries, or diced strawberries, or whatever you want, really.

Me? I took the crazy route and spent somewhere between 1 and 2 hours picking huckleberries from hard-to-reach bushes.  Worth it.  They’re slightly tart in the deliciously sweet muffin.

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I had a deer friend come watch me for a bit.

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Look at these little gems:Keats 009

Now believe me, it’s worth browning the butter for this recipe.  It gets all caramelized and nutty, which makes a world of difference in the muffins.

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The topping’s kind of necessary, especially if you want to make some friends.

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Dig in.

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Browned Butter Huckleberry Muffins

Adapted from Julie Van Rosendaal of The Family Kitchen
Makes 12 muffins


1/3 cup butter
1/3 cup milk
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cups sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups fresh huckleberries (or blueberries, or other fruit)

3 Tablespoons butter, cut into pieces
1/3 cup flour
1/4 cup brown sugar


Preheat oven to 375F and line or spray your muffin pan.

Melt the butter in a small pot over medium heat.  Cook it until it has melted, gone all frothy, and then turns a nutty brown.  It should smell caramelized and nutty too.  Remove from the heat and pour into a bowl to cool for a bit.  Whisk in the milk, eggs, and vanilla.

In another bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.  Add the butter mixture and fold very gently until nearly combined.  Add the berries and stir until they’re just mixed in.

Scoop the batter into the muffin tins.

For the topping:
Mix the ingredients together with a fork, or get in there with your fingers.  Sprinkle it over the muffins

Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden and springy.


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Baby Card for Maryann

Mega happy excited times in the land of babies here right now!  My good friend Maryann had her first little one 3 weeks ago, and we couldn’t be happier for her.  We’re sending wishes of sleep and calm, though I’m sure both are hard to come by while she’s also running a busy bed and breakfast and a water buffalo farm.

Meanwhile, another friend is getting herself a bundle of joy any day now.  More explosions of happiness!

So I whipped up this card to celebrate.  Maybe the cool greens and blues will help with that whole calm thing.

And now I’m off to holiday on the Sunshine Coast.  Fingers crossed for that sunshine!

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Lemon Blueberry Cream Scones


Hello, hello, hello! And a few more hellos.  I hope that makes up for my absence.. and possibly for any future absence?.. it IS summer, after all, even though you wouldn’t know it from the weather we’ve been getting in not-so-sunny Victoria.

But wait, I made scones for you! They’re light and fluffy and delicious, and are lighter than a typical scone because of the use of cream instead of butter.  I should try them with rolled oats next time.

I just love lemon in my scones, and I happened to have a big tray of blueberries that I thought would make a good addition to this batch.  I was right.  Strawberries would have been good too.


Get a good pile of lemon zest and add it to  your cream.



Adapted from Dinner with Julie

Lemon Blueberry Cream Scones

zest of a lemon
1c heavy cream
1 1/2 cups flour
2T sugar
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
milk or cream to brush the tops with (optional)
Sugar to sprinkle on top (optional)
1/2 – 3/4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Preheat oven to 400F.  Stir your lemon zest into the cream and set aside.

In a bowl, stir together the dry ingredients.  Add the cream mixture and stir until just barely combined. Add the blueberries, and on a lightly floured surface, knead the dough a few times, then form into a circle about an inch thick.

Cut into 6-8 wedges and transfer onto a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silpat.  Now you can brush the tops with milk or cream and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden.


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Card Candy on the webs

I found you some card candy for your eyes, and hopefully for some extra inspiration.  Yep, I too spend time browsing the blogs of talented card-making peeps.  It’s always so inspiring!

Today I thought I’d share a touch of what I’ve rounded up.

Check out this polaroid style image from Nicole Heady. Love.6a00d8341c64e753ef014e8960b0e1970d

Meet the thoughtful fox by Lucy Abrams:


Here’s a beautiful and simple tag by Amy Wanford:5836884287_91e4f5384e

Here’s an adorable party zebra by Maile Belles.  I heart her work so much!DSC_0173E

You can say happy summer with this vibrant and simple pinwheel card by Ilina Crouse:

Maureen has an elegant card.  I’m digging all of the texture used here:monamie[4]

And finally, I’m crazy for the romantic beauty of this simple flower card by Ingrid Danvers:Thinking-of-You-MD2

Enjoy!  I hope this inspires you to create too.

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Blueberry Shortcakes

Happy Canada Day! (plus a few).. We won’t talk about my slowness at posting.  Nope nope..

The wind here has been relentlessly blowing against my every effort to get exercise.  Who knew that wind could do that.  On Wednesday we had an Ultimate Frisbee BBQ, where the cold wind thwarted my desire to even get up out of my tight huddled group.  I could have frozen, you know.

Let’s not even talk about running.  When it’s this windy on my route, I feel like a blimp.. kind of like in a dream where the harder you try to run, the slower you go, as though the air has turned into a thick, goupy molasses.   It’s not exactly great motivation.

So I consoled myself with these blueberry shortcakes.  I made some fresh blueberry syrup (blueberries simmered in sugar), plopped that on some lemon cream scones followed by whipping cream, fresh blueberries, and repeated.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner of champions.  The running can wait for tomorrow.

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Watercolour Florets


I’ve just had a pretty great weekend full of Birthdays, BBQs, sunshine, and all those great things that mean summer to me.  Only 2 possible schooldays left, so this is great news for us teachers!  Freedom!

I got to see my mom, who’s been away tracking birds for work.  Check out this precious shot she got of her pup in a great big field of flowers:


I have another card for you!  Swirls and watercolours and little pink florets.. mini scalloped edging.. I’m very fond of this colour combination too.  Melon Mambo, Basic Gray, and Pear Pizzaz.

This is another card featured in my Water Colour Techniques class, on July 10th.  Just let me know if you’d like to sign up.

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Orange Mousse

Hi, hello, how’s it going?  I hope you’re good. 

I am.  I’m eating this right now and it’s making me feel soooo good.  Food shouldn’t be a reward, you say? Don’t worry, it’s not.  I haven’t done anything at all exceptional today to deserve this dish of deliciousness.

I can’t not share the recipe, and I absolutely can’t not make this again. 

It’s melt-in-your-mouth citrusy bliss.

Orange Mousse

1 pkg (7g) gelatin
2/3 cup fresh orange juice
1 cup yogurt (I used 0% vanilla Greek yogurt)
1/3 cup sugar
2 T orange liqueur (optional)
Zest of 1-2 oranges
1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped to soft peaks

In a small saucepan, sprinkle the gelatin over the orange juice.  Let stand for 5 minutes.  Stir over medium-low heat for 1 minute, until dissolved.

Transfer to a large bowl and stir in the yogurt, sugar, liqueur, and orange zest.  Gently fold in the whipped cream.

Spoon into pretty little dishes (martini glasses look fabulous!) and refrigerate for an hour, or until set.


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